Saturday, August 23, 2008

Subject:- Community participation in Railway Policing

The RPF has been bestowed with the responsibility of protection of passengers and passenger area w.e.f. 1.7.2004. It was necessitated by the fact that GRP was found wanting in giving the desired output. RPF has taken up this additional responsibility with élan and is deploying a sizeable number of staff for train escorting and access control duties.

However, keeping in vie the number of passengers traveling in trains, the number of trains running and the large number of passenger interface areas, it is difficult nigh impossible for the RPF to do this work with its present resources.

A proposal is being processed for sanction of additional manpower. There are other proposals for procurement of modern equipments e.g. CCTVs, bomb detection and disposal equipments etc. which will definitely help in achieving the desired objective. RPF staff are also being trained in intelligence collection, conducting enquiry etc. to equip them with modern techniques. However, the above efforts will not be sufficient to match the challenge on hand.

Therefore, it is necessary to involve others also in tackling the above problems. The concept of community policing may be implemented to solve this problem.

The following groups are closely associated with passengers and passenger area:-
1. Daily passengers:- Passengers associations may be involved to get valuable inputs regarding criminals operating in the sections.
2. Authorised vendors / hawkers:- Since they are regularly operating in a station / section, they may be involved to get information about noticing anti-social elements, suspicious movements etc.
3. Authorised porters:- In all important stations, they may be an important source of information.
4. TTEs/ Guards :-They are running regularly in particular sections, and can be source of invaluable information.
5. TCs / ASMs / SMs ;- their area of activity is platform, and they might also give important suggestion / information.

It is possible that even now some of the IPFs are taking use of the above in their individual capacity. However, to reap maximum benefits at all levels, we may institutionalize the involvement of the above groups in regular policing work and making them partner in the mission of making the Railways, a crime free area.

We may start Community Railway Policing Centres (CRPC) at all posts / outposts under leadership of Post commanders / OP incharges. They may be advised to conduct monthly meetings with the above groups. The GRP should also be involved in such meetings.

To motivate involvement of the above groups, rewards can be given for (1)suggestions leading to important improvements in system, and
(2) information leading to arrest of criminals.

We may also print posters so that people having any information can give the same in CRPCs.

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